It’s your SELF ❤️time ENJOY!

Before your session starts and if you feel inspired and really want to set the tone for your embodiment of self love time.

You may want to perform some practices that tell yourself I Love You.

Here are some suggestions…… 

  1. Draw a bath for yourself and add to the water whatever your body desires make it delightful!

  2. Maybe you like illuminating your space with candles to bring you into deeper relaxation.

  3. You may like smudging with whatever you are drawn to so you may cleanse your magnificent space.

  4. Caress every inch of your body with something you enjoy to soften your skin.

  5. Massage your sensual feet and tell them how much you love them and honor them for being able to take every step you take on our precious Mama Gaia.

  6. Play some vibrational music to enhance your feelings of relaxation.

  7. Dance with freedom written all over it.

  8. Sip on your favorite healthy beverage.

  9. Buy yourself your favorite flowers to enhance your surroundings with their natural beauty.

Be creative and have FUN!