Believe you can and you will!

The Energetic Empowerment Session

At the start of your session, I set the intention to connect into the energetic field of the consciousness of our loving and healed Spirit Guides, Angels, and Ancestors.

I welcome beautiful loving magnificent energy to join us on your spiritual journey.

I channel messages that are meant to be delivered to you at precisely the right moment in time.

I am organically led during our session and do not have the session planned out.

I allow my skills to come forth and work my magic.

My skills include,

  • Toning

  • Humming

  • Speaking Light Language

  • Moving and Clearing Energy that does not serve you.

  • Channeling Spiritual Messages

  • Crystal Frequency Magic

  • Sound Healing Transmissions

  • Chakra Vibrational Tuning Forks

  • Energy Work sprinkled with traditional Usui and Holy Fire Reiki

If I am led by your spiritual team to your chakra system.

I step into the power of the 7 main chakras and work on the energy centers that I am led to.

The Root

The Sacral

The Solar Plexus

The Heart

The Throat

The Third Eye

The Crown

I will very likely channel beneficial tips to help you become more energetically aligned to your core essence and step into your truth.

You may ask - What is it that I have to do to prepare for a session?

It is very simple set yourself up in a place of peace and comfort and relax.

It is very important to have as little caffeine as possible on the day of our session.

Why is this session called The Energetic Empowerment Session?

Well, I am inviting you to become energetically empowered to step into your innate ability to self-heal, and have a complete shift in consciousness. Simply open your heart, mind, body, and soul and lovingly journey with me.

After the closing of your session and the days to follow it is very likely you will feel more empowered to start cultivating the best relationship you have ever had with yourself.

I believe we are rising to the next dimensional phase of our existence and we were placed together to do The “Real Work”!

If you believe you will receive and evolve energetically and beyond your imagination.

It is a major transformational process, but we all have to start somewhere.

I’m thrilled we are starting together.

In perfect honor of Love and Healing,

The Heart Centered Psychic,
