Self ❤️ Super Sunday is your time to reset, rejuvenate and simply show yourself some self lOVE!

I am honored that you are going to take time for yourself and spend it with me.

We Meet in person at The Inner Peace holistic Center Located at 8 Old Turnpike Road in Northwood, N.H.

we start promptly at 3:00PM so please arrive @ 2:45PM.

The doors will be locked at 3:00PM.

Welcome to Self ❤️ Super Sunday!

It is time for you to express self love and take time for you!

I am honored that you are spending your Sunday free time with me.

This is a glorious group gathering created for you to be able to step into your week more abundantly grounded and rejuvenated!

At The beginning of our sacred time together i will lead a meditation to help you drop into relaxation. It’s super simple all you have to do is nothing.

I will then perform a group holy fire/usui reiki session channeling the magnificent life force energy, i may be lead to bring in vibrational sound tools to further help you to reset your nervous system and cultivate the healing that you are meant to receive during our time together.

after the Reiki we will then move into ecstatic dance. This is a sort of “freedom dance” there are not any steps to follow and you can only do it RIGHT you just follow your intuition and move how your body wants to move! It’s simply magical!!!!!

At the closing of our time together i will pull a card for the collective energy of the group and you will leave with exactly what you needed to hear!

I am supremely honored we are going to gather and connect in such a beautifully healing nourishing way!

in honor of love and healing, Debbie