About me


Hello, Beautiful Being,

Welcome to this moment right here right now!

This mystical magical moment in time that will never exist again.

Breathe into to that truth.

The words to follow on this sacred page are to give you an idea of where I used to be, what happened, and where I am now.

So here goes.

I am originally from Manchester, N.H. I was born on January 5, 1966. When I was 10 my family decided to move to South Florida I lived there for 40 years. It was home as I knew it.

Growing up I was one of those kids that felt like I never fit in. I was never able to form true lasting friendships. I was a very confused child and couldn’t seem to find my place in the world. I’ll just do what helps me “feel” good was my motto.

So I continually searched for the quick fix.

Which led me to drugs and alcohol and living a fast and reckless life for 25 years.

After countless shattered dysfunctional relationships, and friendships I woke up on May 13, 2003 and that life was over! I was done with the lies, the shame, the guilt, and all that was associated with the lifestyle of an alcoholic and addict. I was led to a noon time Alcoholics Anonymous meeting and was plopped right where I belonged. I became very active in the program and never drank or drugged again.It absolutely was one of the hardest things I ever did, but I did it with the help of others and one day at a time. I will be forever grateful for the program and all of the magnificent people I encountered. Even though I was content and sober I had a yearning for MORE!

I thank God every day for the gift of sobriety!

So when I was 10 years sober I met a woman who exuberated love and had the most peaceful presence about her. We started to cultivate a friendship and I found out she practiced Reiki. (Reiki is a Japanese relaxation healing energy technique.) I was invited to a Reiki share at her home and I was completely mystified with the powerful life force energy of Reiki and had to learn more. So I made a decision to train in Reiki and became a Level 1 practitioner with her. I was also led to train in all 3 Levels in 2019 and became a Master, both of these trainings where in the traditional Usui method. I also furthered my Reiki training in 2020 and trained in all 3 levels of Holy Fire Reiki. So I am a Master in 2 styles of Reiki.

Prior to Reiki being introduced into my life and having a daily self-practice. I went through my days stressed out and fatigued. I suffered numerous ailments, including headaches, depression, stomach ulcers, swollen painful joints, dry eye, plantar fasciitis, arthritic fingers, allergies, indigestion, and anxiety. Just to name a few. Those ailments are now non existent.

I became truly fascinated with the energetic world and wanted to learn more and more about all things metaphysical. I simply wanted to understand my energy body and connect with myself at a deeper level.

So I chose to continue my education and connect with like minded people and be enthralled in the world of energy healing and magic. I was and am just like a sponge wanting to absorb all the ways to heal naturally.

Here is a list of some of the things I have taken a deep dive into and continue to PRACTICE daily to not fall back into these destructive entanglements.

• Unhealthy patterns

• Egotistical Behaviors

• Food Addictions

• Unhealthy trauma responses

• Spiritual Egotism

• Judgement

• Unrealistic expectations

• Coping mechanisms

• Survival skills

• Overly empathic traits

• Super sensitivities

• Being stuck in victim mode

• Being entrenched in The Drama Triangle

• Triggered by toxic behavior and living in the sympathetic nervous system.

• Fight, Flight and freeze mode.

• Nonexistent boundaries and beyond………..

You may ask how did I work on all of these things???

The super cool spiritual tools I practice regularly are….

• Meditation

• Crystals

• Prayer

• Yoga

• Daily Reiki self practice

• Vibrational sound healing - Crystal bowls and vibrational tunes

• Tuning forks

• Breathing exercises

• Attending workshops, Retreats, Classes

• Reading & studying

• Spending time in nature

• Grounding

• Chakra Balancing

• Spiritual Music

• Pulling Oracle Cards

• Creating Altars

• Following Moon Cycles

YouTube videos and beyond……….

I’ve also worked with mentors, coaches, soul sisters, colleagues, healing helpers, psychics, mediums, star seeds, witches, sorcerers, shamans and more.

In addition I attended a yearlong program with David Bayer (life coach) and his program was based on reframing your mindset and breaking through your limiting beliefs. It truly taught me how to allow The Law of Attraction to work in my business encounters and every aspect of my life. It taught me that the words I speak frame my existence, my world, my life. I create my reality and abundance with my mindset and the words I speak every moment of every day. What I say is what I live and attract!

I also became a certified healer with Kairos Healers Academy. Kairos is a magical intuitive arts trade school for healers, medicine women, shamanika, sorceress, and witches.

The super powerful magical women who channeled the curriculum for the year long program are Janet Raftis and Ina Lukas.

They are alchemical, shamanic, creatix channels whose work together supports you in remembering and activating your own innate power and wisdom and bringing all of your magical skills online.

My psychic gifts were catapulted to a level that I didn’t even know existed after working diligently in The Academy for a year. It was a super magnificent magical experience, and I will be forever grateful for the skills I learned and all of the healings, clearings, activations and channeling sessions that have initiated me into the fabulous Energetic Soul Shifter that I am today.

Even though I have created my business and have all my offerings in place.

I still continue to have healing sessions, activations, and attend classes with those who I trust and admire. I am always evolving and growing.

The healer is always healing!

I completely cherish the gift of energetically connecting to whomever is sent me.

I hope it’s you!


In perfect honor of ❤️ and healing.

The Heart Centered Psychic - Debbie


Client Testimonials

“After my healing sessions with Debbie I experience a noticeable sense of ease and calm.  Whenever I am feeling stressed and out of sorts I book a session with her.  It feels like I am lighter and my heart feels more open afterwards. Debbie puts so much devotion and loving energy into her work and you can feel it in the results. It’s almost like having psychic surgery!” 

Kim A. 

”Deborah’s Reiki Distance Healing has changed my state of spirit significantly; it has helped me clear my thoughts, calmed me down and improved my wellbeing. The most important effect it has is on my emotions. After my session of Reiki Healing I feel much more relaxed, more tolerant, more loving, feel renewed, grounded, and safe in the knowledge that Reiki would stay with me for at least another couple days. Deborah is a warm supportive presence, who has stood by me and guided me through my journey of self - discovery and self improvement. For anyone looking to discover and harness the power of your energy you can’t pick a better partner. “

Rita D.

“Since receiving sessions from Debbie I have been able to speak up more and I am in touch with my feelings at a deeper level. I am less afraid and more self confident. I have also become better at stating my boundaries and promoting self love.”

Kira D.